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HarperDB is a distributed data and application platform for APIs, AI/ML, and third-party integrations. HarperDB is working with large organizations in gaming, media, telecom, and government sectors to reduce latency and complexity while cutting costs.

With flexible user-defined APIs, simple HTTP/s interface, and a high-performance

single-model data store that accommodates both NoSQL and SQL workloads, HarperDB scales with your application from proof of concept to production. Install and manage on your hardware, or have us host it with HarperDB Cloud.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is HarperDB's headquarters? HarperDB is located in Denver, Colorado, United States.Who invested in HarperDB? HarperDB has 2 investors including Break Trail Ventures and Service Provider Capital.How much funding has HarperDB raised to date? HarperDB has raised .When was the last funding round for HarperDB? HarperDB closed its last funding round on Dec 8, 2020 from a Venture - Series Unknown round.Who are HarperDB's competitors? Alternatives and possible competitors to HarperDB may include PlotlyPetuum, and Quarrio Corp..