- Create a HarperDB account and organization.
- Spin up a new HarperDB Cloud Instance from your dashboard.
- Select the instance type (locally installed, AWS, Verizon Wavelength, etc.) and create a free single-tier instance for evaluation.
- Create a schema (e.g., "projects") and a table (e.g., "tasks") within that schema. Define a hashing attribute for unique identification.
- Set up a React app using Ionic: ionic start harper-app blank --type react and navigate to the project folder: cd harper-app.
- Create a provider to handle queries to HarperDB, providing the instance URL and login information.
- Import the provider in the index.tsx file and set the props for the provider with the required URL, username, and password.
- Implement the useHarper hook to execute queries against the database, importing it into src/pages/Home.tsx.
- Use the useIonViewDidEnter hook to call a loadData function to fetch data from the database when the home page is entered.
- In the loadData function, use the execute function to request data using SQL queries (e.g., SELECT * FROM project.tasks).
- Set the fetched data to the state and render it in the app.