- Open the Terminal app in Ubuntu Linux.
- Run the following commands to update packages in Ubuntu:
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt upgrade
- Install nvm (Node Version Manager) using the command:
- curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.2/install.sh | bash
- Restart the Terminal and verify the installation of nvm, Node, and npm using the commands:
- nvm --version
- node -v
- npm -v
- Install Node v14.20.0 using nvm:
- nvm install 14.20.0
- Verify the Node version with node -v.
- Install HarperDB globally using npm:
- npm install -g harperdb
- Check the installed version of HarperDB using harperdb version.
- Start HarperDB with the command:
- harperdb run
- Follow the setup instructions to create a new username and password for your local instance.
- Use the following commands to stop and restart HarperDB:
- harperdb stop
- harperdb restart
- Access the HarperDB website inside Ubuntu and sign in to your account.
- Register your user-installed instance with the provided instance info.
- Accept any warning messages regarding self-signed certificates.
- Select the free plan, agree to the terms, and add the instance.
- Your instance should now be live, and you can use it like a normal HarperDB instance.