- Ensure you have Node.js installed on your computer.
- Create a new folder named "todo-list-backend" and open your command prompt or git bash.
- Run npm install --global yarn and then yarn init to initialize your Node.js project.
- Install necessary packages: yarn add express nodemon cors dotenv harperive.
- Create an index.js file and set up your Express server with basic routes.
- Create a HarperDB cloud instance and set up a database schema named "todos" and a table named "items" with a hash attribute "id".
- Create a dbconfig.js file to connect to the HarperDB cloud instance using the harperive package and dotenv to handle sensitive information.
- Implement CRUD operations:a. Create: Create a POST route to add new todo items to the database.b. Read: Create a GET route to retrieve all todo items from the database.c. Update: Create a POST route to update the todo status or content in the database.d. Delete: Create a POST route to delete a todo item from the database based on its id.
- Test your application using Hoppscotch.io to make API requests and verify the functionality of each route.